Filming the 2021 season with just an iPhone and a GoPro, Jairus Roark shows you don't need all the greatest equipment to share the story.
Follow a journey with Jairus Roark through the struggles of bowhunting whitetail, and see how sometimes things don't play out the way we foresee.
Encore Presentation: Full Draw Film Tour in Oklahoma
When his life changed forever upon the birth of his son, Jairus Roark found himself unprepared for the coming hunting season and caught in a tension between spending time in the stand and at home with his new baby boy. As he struggled to reconcile his circumstances, though, Jairus saw his perspective on hunting change right before his eyes in the beauty and meaning that is found in the relationship between a father and son.
Official Selection: The Advent by HunterVids
Is whitetail hunting only about the search and the kill? In Searching for G2, the debut documentary from Whitetail Warriors, bowhunter Jairus Roark looks to take down a mature buck that he’s been following for the past year in the rolling hills of Oklahoma. Armed with only his bow, a DSLR, and four GoPros, he is reminded that it’s all about so much more than harvesting a trophy buck.
Official Selections:
Full Draw Film Tour
Outdoor Film Festival & Tour
Watch Talon Davis as he targets a buck he gets trail-cam photos of in early September.
Michael Fleharty finds himself driving i35 to the big buck state of Kansas in search for a trophy whitetail. This epic adventure will keep your eyes planted on the screen to find what's lurking in the CRP grass and what time in it all becomes.
Official Selection: Badlands Film Festival
Watch Tyler Melton, Brendan Moser, Jairus Roark and Michael Fleharty's Turkey highlights of the 2016 Spring season in Oklahoma.
An ordinary Oklahoma coyote hunt takes on a deeper meaning in this new short film with Jairus Roark and Raymond Moore.
Raymond Moore started the 2014 Turkey Season with one goal in mind. Follow his journey to see how plans change.